Clifton-Soderstrom, Michelle. “The Convergence Model of Pietist Ethics: Faith Active in Love (Gal. 5.6).” Political Theology 11, no. 4 (October 2010): 490-506.
1. Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom, “The Convergence Model of Pietist Ethics: Faith Active in Love (Gal. 5.6).” Political Theology 11, no. 4 (October 2010): 490-506.
Clifton-Soderstrom, Michelle A. Angels, Worms, and Bogeys: The Christian Ethic of Pietism. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010.
2. Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom, Angels, Worms, and Bogeys: The Christian Ethic of Pietism (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010).
Greenman, Jeffrey P., Timothy Larsen, and Stephen R. Spencer, eds. The Sermon on the Mount through the Centuries. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos, 2007.
3. Jeffrey P. Greenman, Timothy Larsen, and Stephen R. Spencer, eds. The Sermon on the Mount through the Centuries (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos, 2007).
Spencer, Stephen R., "John Calvin." In The Sermon on the Mount through the Centuries, ed. Jeffrey P. Greenman, Timothy Larsen, and Stephen R. Spencer, 129-152. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos, 2007.
4. Stephen R. Spencer, "John Calvin" in The Sermon on the Mount through the Centuries, ed. Jeffrey P. Greenman, Timothy Larsen, and Stephen R. Spencer, 129-152 (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos, 2007).
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