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BTS 2210: Jesus of Nazareth (Willitts): Citing Your Sources

Formatting Your References

Turabian (and its parent, the Chicago Manual of Style) documentation format has a consistent rationale:

  • Each note (whether footnotes or endnotes) is a single sentence.
    • The only period is at the end of the citation.
    • Only commas and semi-colons, and colons occur within the citation.
    • Series and publishing information is included in a parenthesis at the end of the note, before the period.
  • Book:
    • Author’s first name, last name, Title: subtitle (Place of publication: Publisher, date), page(s).
  • Journal article:
    • Author’s first name, last name, “Article title,” Journal Title vol. no., issue no. (date [including month or season, if present]): page or page-page, url [if accessed online].
  • Edited book:
    • Editor’s first name, last name, ed., Title: subtitle (Series; Place of publication: Publisher, date).
  • Edited book [multiple editors]:
    • first name, last name; first name, last name; first name, last name, eds., Title: subtitle (Series; Place of publication: Publisher, date).
  • Article in book:
    • Name, “Article title” in Book Title: subtitle, ed. Name(s), page-page (Series; Place of publication: Publisher, date).

Bibliography citations, on the other hand, are not a sentence. Periods occur after each basic unit:

  • Book:
    • Author’s last name, first name. Title. Series. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
  • Journal article:
    • Author’s last name, first name. “Title.” Journal title vol. no., issue no. (Date [including month or season, if present]): page-page. url [if accessed online].
  • Edited book:
    • Editor’s last name, first name, ed., Title: subtitle. Series. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
  • Edited book [multiple editors]:
    • Last name, First name; First name, Last name; First name, Last name, eds. Title: Subtitle. Series. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
  • Article in book:
    • Last name, first name. “Article title.” In Book Title: Subtitle, ed. first name, last name(s), page-page. Series. Place of publication: Publisher, date.

Citation Examples

  • Chicago/Turabian (Bibliography):

Willitts, Joel. "Matthew and Psalms of Solomon's Messianism: A Comparative Study of First-Century Messianology." Bulletin of Biblical Research 22, no. 1 (2012): 27-50.

Willitts, Joel. Matthew's Messianic Shepherd-King: In Search of 'the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.' Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2007.

Gurtner, Daniel M., Joel Willitts and Richard A. Burridge, eds. Jesus, Matthew's Gospel and Early Christianity: Studies in Memory of Graham N. Stanton. Library of New Testament Studies, 435. T & T Clark Library of Biblical Studies. London: T&T Clark, 2011.

Willitts, Joel. "Paul and Matthew: A Descriptive Approach from a Post-New Perspective Interpretative Framework." In Paul and the Gospels: Christologies, Conflicts and Convergences, ed. Michael F. Bird and Joel Willitts. Library of New Testament Studies, 411. T & T Clark Library of Biblical Studies. London: T & T Clark, 2011.

  • Turabian (Footnotes)

1. Joel Willitts, "Matthew and Psalms of Solomon's Messianism: A Comparative Study of First-Century Messianology," Bulletin of Biblical Research 22, no. 1 (2012): 27-50.

2. Joel Willitts, Matthew's Messianic Shepherd-King: In Search of 'the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel' (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2007).

3. Daniel M. Gurtner, Joel Willitts and Richard A. Burridge, eds., Jesus, Matthew's Gospel and Early Christianity: Studies in Memory of Graham N. Stanton (Library of New Testament Studies, 435; T & T Clark Library of Biblical Studies; London: T&T Clark, 2011).

4. Joel Willitts, "Paul and Matthew: A Descriptive Approach from a Post-New Perspective Interpretative Framework" in Paul and the Gospels: Christologies, Conflicts and Convergences, ed. Michael F. Bird and Joel Willitts, 62-85 (Library of New Testament Studies, 411; T & T Clark Library of Biblical Studies; London: T & T Clark, 2011).

Citation Styles

Your syllabus specifies that you should use Turabian format for your paper.

  • E-Turabian will format your citation into either bibliography or footnote style:

  • Purdue University has a helpful website for all of the standard citation styles, including Turabian:

  • Brandel Library has an online edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, of which Turabian is an adaptation:

Follow this link to learn how to insert fotnotes in a Microsoft Word document:

Citation Features: ATLA & JSTOR

  • In ATLA Database,
    • Click on a title from the results list and print, email, save, and cite icons will appear on the right side of the screen. 
    • When you click on the yellow "cite" icon (see above), the citation of the article will appear in several bibliographic formats and you may select the style that you are using.
  • In JSTOR, icons for the following tasks will appear on the right side of the item information: