In order to use e-books on your computer, you must first install Adobe Digital Editions:
- Close any Adobe applications you have running.
- Download Adobe Digital Editions.
- Open the installer (ADE_2.0_Installer on a PC, Digital Editions 2.0 Installer on a Mac), and follow the installation instructions.
- Authorize your computer:
- Open Adobe Digital Editions.
- Under Help, select Authorize Computer.
- Follow the "Create an Adobe ID" link to Adobe's website and create an ID.
- Complete the authorization form. Enter "Adobe ID" for the e-book vendor.
- If you're using Windows, you'll need to tell your computer to open e-books with Adobe Digital Editions.
- Select Default Programs from the Start menu.
- Click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program."
- Double click on ".acsm" and choose Adobe Digital Editions from the pop up menu.