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EDU 3130: Multicultural Education: Find Articles

All library databases are accessible on and off campus. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your North Park email address and password.

Education Databases (Pedagogical Research)

Sociology Databases (Sociological Research)

History Databases (Historical Research)

Multidiscinplinary Databases (Political, Economic, Historical, & Sociological Research)

Keyword Searching

Keywords are the search terms that you enter into the database to describe the topic of articles that you want to retrieve.  The database will word-match your keywords against the text of the article, and deliver results that match what you enter.

Search Examples

Research Question:
How does poverty and segregation impact child development?
Poverty, low-income, discrimination, segregation, child development

Keyword Search in a Database

Watch a basic tutorial (created by Walden University Library) about keyword searching in a database.