All library databases are accessible on and off campus. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your North Park email address and password.
A list of Chicago newspapers available through the Chicago Public Library (CPL). To access these newspapers online, you will need a CPL card. You can also visit any CPL location to access the newspapers without a library card.
Features thousands of full-text journals covering a broad range of academic subjects.
Keyword Searching
Keywords are the search terms that you enter into the database to describe the topic of articles that you want to retrieve. The database will word-match your keywords against the text of the article, and deliver results that match what you enter.
Search Examples
Research Question:
How does poverty and segregation impact child development?
Keywords: Poverty, low-income, discrimination, segregation, child development
Keyword Search in a Database
Watch a basic tutorial (created by Walden University Library) about keyword searching in a database.