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MUS 3010: Music History and Literature I: Finding Secondary Sources

These pages provide resources and tips for completing your research assignment for Music 3010. Feel free to contact me for help with this assignment using the information on the bottom of this page.

Find Background Information (technically "Tertiary Sources")

Find Books

Find Articles

Keyword Search Strategies


Combine keywords with AND to narrow your search.

Beethoven AND sonata


Combine keywords with OR to broaden your search. This works well for synonyms.

Moonlight Sonata OR Sonata No. 14

"phrase search" 

Put quotes around multiword searches to find only documents that contain those words as a phrase.

"Moonlight Sonata" 

* (wildcard)

Use a * with the stem of a word to search for all forms of that word.

sonat* searches for sonatas, sonatinas, sonaten, etc.

Reading Scholarly Articles in the Humanities