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CORE 3000: Meditation and Human Values: Guides to Citing and Writing

For this project you may use the citation style of your choice, as long as you use in-text citations (rather than footnote citations). Either MLA or APA would be a good choice.  

When to Include In-Text Citations

  • When you directly quote a source.
  • When you paraphrase another source.
  • When you include information or ideas that you got from someone else.
  • Any time you're not sure whether or not to cite a source--just go ahead and cite it.

Students often worry that if they cite too many sources it will look like they did not have any ideas of their own. However, it is more likely that citing sources will impress your professors--they will see the amount of research you did, and how you integrated other people's ideas with your own.


MLA Style Guides

APA Style Guides

Guides to Research and Writing

Writing Center

Visit North Park's Writing Center for help brainstorming, drafting, and editing your paper.