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YM 4990: Fourth Year Seminar: Finding Articles

Article Databases

Database Search Tips


Combine keywords with AND to narrow your search.

Example:  adolescents   AND   depression


Combine keywords with OR to broaden your search. This works well for synonyms.

Example:  adolescents  OR  teenagers

“phrase search”  

Put quotes around multiword searches to find only documents that contain those words as a phrase.

Example:  “youth ministry”

truncation (*)

Use a * with the stem of a word to search for all forms of that word.

adolescen* - retrieves adolescent, adolescents, or adolescence

ATLA Religion Database:

While searching for children's/youth ministry in the database will bring up results, the actual subject heading for articles in this area is "church work with youth." Use this in a subject search to pull up the best and most complete list of results!

Find Full Text

Find Full Text image

If an article is not available as a PDF, you will see the Get a Copy button instead. Click on it to find out if the PDF is available from another library database, or to request it from interlibrary loan.