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HSC 2800: Introduction to Epidemiology: Finding Research Articles

Where do I find scholarly/peer-reviewed research articles?

Database Search Tips!

Try using the following search techniques to retreive more relevant information.


Use two or more search boxes. Combine keywords with AND

Example: women AND lung cancer


To look for either of two concepts, use OR

Example: adolescents OR "teenagers"

"Phrase Search"

Use quotation marks around phrases to find the exact phrase

Example: "breathing problems"


Accessing Full Text

Find Full Text image

If an article is not available as a PDF, you will see the Get a Copy button instead. Click on it to find out if the PDF is available from another library database, or to request it from interlibrary loan. 

Print, Email, Save and Cite!

Most databases have options to email, save, and print articles. Select the article you wish to view by clicking on the title.

Select the PRINT, EMAIL,  or SAVE icon on the right side of the screen. There is also an option to CITE the article in APA format.