A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
Call Number: LB2369 .T8 2007
Information on Chicago/Turabian style may be found at these websites:
Chicago Manual of Style Quick Guide
Turabian Quick Guide
Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University
Chicago/Turabian Documentation from The Writing Center at UW-Madison
Turabian Citation Guide from Ohio State
As you write papers in your history courses, you must acknowledge the sources for all your information and any ideas you have taken from other works. The History Department at North Park requires students to use the Chicago Manual of Style/Turabian for citation in their research papers.
Need help with your writing? Not sure if your in-text citations are correct?
The Writing Center is located on the second floor of Brandel Library in 216, on the east side of the building by the computer lab.
What's your favorite citation style?